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Employee Burnout Have you adopted an Employee Well being Strategy for your Organization

Employee Burnout: Have you adopted an Employee Well-being Strategy for your Organization?

Employers have invested unprecedented resources in employee mental health and well-being. With burnout at all-time highs, leaders wonder if they can make a difference. Research suggests they can.¹

Recent findings by McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) suggest that four out of five Humane Resource (HR) leaders consider mental and health wellness to be a top priority for their organizations.²

Are you one of the organizations that have already given a thought to it, or an organization that is willing to reduce employee burnout, starting this New Year 2023?

In this article, we will share some facts and figures along with useful tips that are cornered around the effects of employee well-being strategy.

First, some facts and figures that point toward employee burnout:

A recent study shared by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) findings stated that:

  • 86 per cent of employers said mental health, stress, and burnout were still a priority.
  • 49 per cent had not formally articulated a well-being strategy for their workforce.
  • 26 per cent had adopted a well-being strategy.³

The survey further identified the following four categories to ensure an employee well-being strategy:

1. Emotional Well-Being
2. Physical Well-Being
3. Financial Well-Being
4. Social Well-Being

Let me walk you through some winning tips to perform the above employee well-being strategy.

Category 1: Emotional Well-Being

Winning tips: It is suggested to plan and map an overall organization-wide behavioral health strategy and its action plan.

Rethink employee benefits program.

Category 2: Physical Well-Being

Winning tips: Understand the medical conditions of each employee and target beneficial programs for high-cost cases such as maternity, chronic conditions, and depression.

Promote and share the benefits of using fitness applications at their convenience.

Category 3: Financial Well-Being

Winning tips: Apart from the determined pay of employees, try and involve programs that are beneficial to the care need of the employee’s family, including children and purchasing a home.

It is also suggested to assess your organization’s financial well-being program with diversity values and inclusion.

Category 4: Social Well-Being

Winning tips: Encourage fitness programs while at work or on the weekends like sports activities within or around the premises or offer discounted prices for their favorite sports activity.

Regularly or frequently giveaway health products or food packets based on the employee’s health status whilst working with your organization.

Ending note

As we recently moved into the New Year 2023, organizations struggling with recruitment and retention should consider well-being programs as a differentiator to stand out in the crowd and ensure a happy work environment with time.





mckinsey. com/mhi/our-insights /addressing-employee-burnout -are-you-solving-the- right-problem

mckinsey. com/mhi/our-insights /addressing-employee-burnout -are-you-solving- the-right-problem

³https://www.shrm. org/resourcesand
tools/ hr-topics/benefits/pages /employers-identify- workforce-mental-health -priorities-for-2022.aspx
